
Hello! My name is Alison Weaver. I am so excited to be taking this class and am very intrigued by the blog format. I have had a lot of fun already setting up my blog and hope to possibly continue it past this class. I am in my last semester of my MLIS coursework and plan to graduate this May (woohoo!!). I am currently a Youth Services Assistant Librarian for Vigo County Public Library in Terre Haute, Indiana. Although I do love my job, I plan to grow and move on to other libraries possibly out of the state of Indiana in the future. I really enjoy collection development and executing programming for tweens and teens. 

Some other things about me outside of work include hobbies such as crochet, cooking/baking, reading, coming up with new DIY projects around the house, and doting on my animals. I have an 11 year old lab mix named Willow, an 11 month old Pyredoodle named Grover, and a 9 year old Sphynx named Dobby. They are my entire world and I will talk about them and share photos whenever I have the chance. Some of my favorite genres are fantasy, historical fiction, supernatural fiction, and romance. I typically gravitate toward Young Adult fiction, but I sometimes read Adult fiction as well. It is harder for me to focus on Adult fiction most often, so Young Adult fiction is better for me because it keeps my attention. Some of my favorite authors include Adriana Mather, John Green, and Shea Ernshaw. 

That is about all that I can think to share about me right now. I can't wait to meet everyone and discuss books and readers advisory! :)


  1. Hi Alison, it's nice to meet you!

    I love the pics of your fur babies (one of them a little more sans-fur than the others, but you know what I mean lol)!! My blog profile pic is of my 11 year old tabby, Mr. Meowgi :) I also like to crochet; what are some of your recent favorite projects?

    I find it interesting that you tend to gravitate to Young Adult reads, rather than Adult, because I am the flip side of that coin. May I ask what it is about YA that does better at keeping your attention?

    1. First off, Mr. Meowgi is so adorable! I love to make amigurumi, so typically I am working on those projects. Recently I made a tiny Totoro and I have been working on a sloth stuffie and an elephant stuffie. I haven't had as much time with school being in session again, but I try to find time here and there to work on my projects still.

      As for my preference in YA reads, I really enjoy that they typically get right into the story or characters. I have found that a lot of the Adult reads that I have tried are just too slow moving initially to keep my attention. If you have any quicker-paced recommendations, then I would be happy to try more out! :)

  2. Hi Alison! We have another class together!

    I used to always gravitate towards YA as well and I have just in the last few years really started reading only adult fiction. My absolutely favorite YA book is 10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston. It is the CUTEST book!! I honestly recommend it to everyone I know that is willing to read YA.

    1. Hi Allison! I have not heard of that book, but I will definitely add it to my TBR!


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