Reading Profile

Although it is a common belief that librarians have all the time in the world to read, this librarian hardly has ANY time to read. I absolutely LOVE reading and always have, but I struggle to find time to read nowadays. Lately, I have been consuming books via audio and have been able to get through some books that have been on my TBR list for awhile. An added bonus now is that two of my classes require reading books, so I will have even more of a chance than normal to read (YAY!). I am a collector of books, so I have plenty to choose from, but I typically gravitate toward Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Romance, or Paranormal Fiction. I plan to try out some new genres this semester such as Westerns and Science Fiction. I have considered becoming a reviewer, but I am just too busy in life right now. Hopefully sometime in the future though! 

My favorite authors include:

  • Adriana Mather

  • Shea Ernshaw

  • John Green

  • Sarah J. Maas

  •  Jenna Evans Welch

My all time favorite books include:

  • Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

  • The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill

  • Under a Painted Sky by Stacey Lee

  • Ghost Huntress Series by Marley Gibson

  • Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry

I am ALWAYS accepting suggestions for books, so feel free to drop them anytime! :)


Here is a picture of my newly built bookshelves! Paint is still a work in progress and please ignore the bags upon bags of yarn on my desk! 




  1. Your bookshelves are BEAUTIFUL! I am so excited to get install built in shelves (or if they come with the house) someday, so that I can do just that with them. And for the bags of yarn on your should see my house! I have yarn in every nook and cranny I can find, all to the joy of my wife LOLOL. I crochet and odds are I have some sort of small project in every room.

    I hope you find some good westerns or science fiction to read :) I highly recommend Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki if you need a sci-fi book to read. It's about a violin teacher who sold her soul to Hell and then has to get seven others to sell their soul. She's already gotten six and the book is about the seventh. Here's the Goodreads link if you want to check it out:

  2. I am in love with your bookshelves! It looks like we have pretty similar reading preferences, so purely out of curiosity, what is your favorite historical romance? Also, if you havn't read The Regency Vows series by Martha Waters I would HIGHLY recommend it. The fourth book in the series is hilarious and pretty high on my favorites list.

  3. Aaaww, I really like your reading space! I love how you noted the misconception that librarians constantly and mostly read and further, they have loads of time to do JUST that! It's funny because we are actually not allowed to read at work (unless we are on break) and especially when we are working the service desks. I guess our director is trying to upend this misconception. I'm excited that you are going to try a few things out of your comfort zone this semester! I just finished the first thriller I've ever read as an adult, and I'm hooked. I think this is going to be a good class!

  4. I can completely relate to your opener here, it feels like I never have time to read! Since I started working at my local library I have had many people approach me with the same misconception - "Oh you're at the library? I would love to read all day, that sounds like a dream!". I always preferred a physical book to audio, but I have found myself in the same boat as you, lately - at least with audiobooks I can multitask! I'm looking forward to seeing more from you throughout this course, and I love the reading space you're working on!


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