Secret Shopper Summary

 I found that I really enjoyed the secret shopper experience. I have not asked for help at a library reference desk since I was a kid. I am quite used to being on the librarian side of a reference now, so I don't even think to ask others for recommendations. Typically, I use my own reference skills along with library databases to find my next read. I asked the librarian that helped me for something similar to Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros and explained that I enjoyed the dragons and that the Scribes almost felt like a secret society or order. Based on this information and some other answers that I gave to her questions, the librarian did a few searches and brought me five books that she thought I might enjoy. Four of the books were strictly dragon related and the fifth was about a secret society. I chose two of the books to look into a little more and thanked her for her time. Unfortunately, I could not check the books out because I do not have a card at the library I visited, but I added them to my TBR list and shelved the books again when I was finished.

The books the librarian recommended me based on the criteria of dragons, secret societies, published after 2010, and set in a fictional place were:

  • Burn by Patrick Ness
  • Stronger Than a Bronze Dragon by Mary Fan
  • Together We Burn by Isabel Ibanez
  • Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa
  • The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake

 The books I chose from this list are Together We Burn and The Atlas Six. Two things that I noted that the librarian did not ask me were about book length preference and if I prefer series or standalone. 


  1. That seems like an overall great experience. I like that she brought you several options and was able to find these based on your criteria. I think I'll also be adding them to my TBR.

  2. It sounds like your librarian did a great job! Would you say she asked a good number of follow-up questions, even if she didn't ask specifically about length or standalone vs series?


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